Relationship Between Men And Women (July 10, 2022)
This is God's intended value and identity for humanity --- rebelling against negative traditional beliefs and stereotypes.
Every1one Relationships: Holy Spirit (June 5, 2022)
Listen as guest minister Pastor Christopher Olsen recognizes Pentecost Sunday by looking at Acts 2 and what it means to yield to the Holy Spirit.
Every1one Relationships: Fear (May 29, 2022)
Listen as Andy shares a testimony with Tyler, recognizes Memorial Day, and looks at Jesus in the midst of a storm.
Every1one Relationships: Healthy 1s in Oneness (May 22, 2022)
Join the Treacher's Table as Pastor and Ana dialogue about healthy relationships in friendship, in family, and in marriage.
Every1one Relationships: A Call to Unity in Christ (May 15, 2022)
Listen as Pastor Toran describes the path to unity through healthy me, healthy us and looks at Philippians 2 contextually!
Every1one Relationships: Q & A with Pastor Holly & Ida (May 8, 2022)
Listen as Pastor Holly & Ida begin the series "Every1one Relationships" and explore the significant influence of mothers and women in our lives!
The Show Must Go On 2 (May 1, 2022)
Listen as Pastor continues with The Show Must Go On and explores Jesus finished work at Golgotha.
The Show Must Go On (April 24, 2022)
Listen as Pastor explores Matthew 27:27-54 to understand the meaning of Golgotha and the implications for our freedom.
Resurrection Sunday – Ransomed (April, 17, 2022)
Listen as Pastor Nate Carr brings the Resurrection Sunday message about "Ransomed!"
Good Friday – The Last 7 Words of Jesus (April 15, 2022)
Join us as we reflect on the meaning of what Christ endured on our behalf and His last words as He hung on the cross.